Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Antique Stained Glass Window

This Stained Glass Window is located in an old Victorian House on Court Street in Woodland,  CA.  This old house is actually a Dentist Office.  I removed the window about a year ago to rebuild it due to aging.  If you notice, the window is bowing slightly in the middle causing the large piece of clear antique glass to pull out of the zinc at the top of the window.  There is a daylight gap about 1/16"  at the top of the clear piece in the center.  The wood at the bottom of the frame needs some work to support the weight of the window. We will be doing that on Friday and will post the work in progress along with the completed job.

Here you can see the wood at the bottom of the Stained Glass Window bowing.

If you look closely at the picture below you will see where the clear glass is pulling away from the zinc.
I look forward to showing you the finished project!! Be sure to follow my blog to see!!
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Thank you!!
S :)

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