Saturday, October 23, 2010

Antique Stained Glass Window Part 2

Well as I promised here is the finished job.  Shawn made a decorative I beam support to raise the bottom sash of the top window to eliminate the sagging and add support.  We did not have to remove the stained glass window to accomplish  this.  See picture below for description on raising a sash.
We cut a push stick about the same as the actual opening then placed a cut off piece of 1" x  4" on the sill before standing up the stick to prevent any damage to the sill while wedging the stick.
After the sash support was put into place we used a nail gun to attach it to the sill, of course making sure there was no sagging  before setting our first nail!! Then we added a piece of 1" x  4" board across the sash marrying all pieces together. 
 Below is the completed job. Things don't always go so smoothly while working with glass.  However, this job went with no hitches!!
We are very happy with the finished project as is the owner!! Please feel free to leave us a comment, ask us a question or share this blog.
Thank you!!
SnS :)

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